Saturday, April 12, 2014

Yeast infections during pregnancy : Online Medical Help

What is a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are a common type of vaginal infection that are particularly common in pregnant women. These infections — also called monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis — are caused by microscopic fungi in the Candida family, most commonly Candida albicans.

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 15 to 20

A 3D animated look at a baby in the second trimester of pregnancy.
It's not uncommon to have a certain amount of yeast in your vagina, as well as in your intestinal tract. Yeast only becomes a problem when it grows so fast that it overwhelms other competing microorganisms.
Your higher level of estrogen during pregnancy causes your vagina to produce more glycogen, making it even easier for yeast to grow there. Some researchers think estrogen may also have a direct effect on yeast, causing it to grow faster and stick more easily to the walls of the vagina.
You're also more likely to get a yeast infection when you take antibiotics, particularly if you take them frequently or for a long time. That's because in addition to killing off the bacteria they're targeting, these drugs may affect the normal protective bacteria in your vagina, allowing yeast to overgrow.

What are the symptoms?

If you develop symptoms from a yeast infection, they're likely to plague you (and may get worse) until you treat the infection, though sometimes they come and go on their own. Symptoms may include:
  • Itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning, and redness in your vagina and labia (and sometimes swelling)
  • An odorless vaginal discharge that's often white, creamy, or cottage-cheesy
  • Discomfort or pain during sex
  • Burning when you urinate (when the urine hits your already irritated genitals)

What should I do if I think I have a yeast infection?

If you think you have a yeast infection, see your practitioner. She'll take a sample of your vaginal discharge and check it to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other things that may be causing your symptoms.
By the way, although antifungal medication is available over the counter, it's not a good idea to try to diagnose and treat yourself without seeing a practitioner. Your symptoms may be caused by something else, such as a sexually transmitted infection, instead of or along with yeast.
Studies show that the majority of women who treat themselves for a presumed yeast infection miss the real cause. As a result, they often delay getting proper treatment.
If you do have a yeast infection, your practitioner will give you a prescription or recommend a specific over-the-counter antifungal vaginal cream or suppository that's safe during pregnancy.
For most yeast infections, creams and suppositories with clotrimazole are more effective than those containing nystatin.
You'll need to insert the cream or suppository into your vagina seven days in a row, preferably at bedtime so it won't leak out. (The shorter-course regimens that you might have used before aren't as effective when you're pregnant.) It's also a good idea to apply some of the antifungal cream to the area just outside your vagina.
It may take a few days of treatment before you begin to feel some relief. In the meantime, you can soothe the itching with an ice pack or by soaking for ten minutes in a cool bath.
If you find the medication irritating or it doesn't seem to be working, let your practitioner know. She may have to switch you to another medication. Be sure to complete the full course of treatment to make sure the infection is gone.

Will a yeast infection affect my baby?

No, a yeast infection won't hurt or affect your developing baby. If you have an infection when you go into labor, though, there's a chance that your newborn will contract it as he passes through the birth canal. If he does, he may develop a yeast infection in his mouth, known as thrush.
Thrush is characterized by white patches on the sides and roof of the mouth and sometimes on the tongue. This condition isn't serious and is easily treated. (By the way, babies can get thrush even if you don't have a yeast infection.)

How can I reduce my chances of getting a yeast infection?

It's less likely you'll get a yeast infection if you keep your genital area dry (yeast thrives in a warm, humid environment) and your vaginal flora in balance. Not all of the following suggestions are supported by hard evidence, but they're easy enough and worth a try:
  • Wear breathable cotton underwear and avoid pantyhose and tight pants, particularly synthetic ones.
  • Get out of your wet bathing suit promptly after swimming, and change your underwear after exercising if you break a sweat.
  • Try sleeping without underwear at night to allow air to get to your genital area. If you prefer to wear something to bed, a nightgown without underwear allows more air circulation than pajama bottoms.
  • Avoid bubble baths, perfumed soaps, scented laundry detergent, and feminine hygiene sprays. While it's not clear whether these items contribute to yeast infections, they can cause bothersome genital irritation so are best avoided.
  • Clean your genital area gently with warm water. (Never douche during pregnancy – or any other time.)
  • Always wipe from front to back.
  • Eat yogurt that contains a live culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus, which can theoretically help maintain the proper bacterial balance in your gut and vagina. There's conflicting evidence as to whether yogurt helps prevent yeast infections, but many women swear by it. And in any case, it's a good source of protein and calcium!

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