Sunday, December 15, 2013

Giddiness and Vertigo : Medical Triage : Online Medical Help

Giddiness and Vertigo
Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or motion.      
There are many causes of giddiness and vertigo, but the most important ones to look for are from the heart or brain.

Giddiness And Vertigo
Serious causes are suggested by a sudden onset.
Associated headache and photophobia suggest intracranial causes.
Associated chest pain suggests cardiovascular causes.
Ask about his medicines.
Ask for hematemesis and melena.
Giddiness And Vertigo
Is the patient pale?        
Is the patient in shock?
Look for evidence of stroke.
If possible, measure the BP in standing and lying positions.
Look out for fever, hypertension, hypotension. 
Feel for PR.Many patients are tachycardic; therefore bradycardia is significant.
Giddiness And Vertigo
Patients with abnormal vital signs, in particular bradycardia.                                   
Giddiness of acute onset with normal vital signs.
Giddiness of gradual onset over days and not severe               
Giddiness And Vertigo
In patients over 60 and not PI, do ECG. Do dextrostix for diabetic patients. 
If the patient is too giddy to stand, place him on a trolley.

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