Sunday, December 15, 2013

Altered Mental Status : Medical Triage : Online Medical Help

Altered Mental Status


Most patients with acute onset of altered mental state should be seen as P1
Probably not productive  trying to identify a cause at triage level              
Ask for the onset and duration of altered mental state.

 Altered Mental Status

Walking patients slow progression and bedbound patients with poor premorbid functional status
Quickly screen for adequate airway, breathing and circulation.  
Quickly look for external head injuries, assess the GCS, screen the pupillary sizes, and test for lateralised extremity weakness in case this turns out to be due to head trauma.          
Altered Mental Status
Smells are useful for screening comatose patients: alcohol, fruity - ketones, "almonds" - cyanide, fishy-uraemia, fetor    
hepaticus, garlic-insecticide.      
      The pupils may be large or small in some drug overdoses.
The patient may look jaundiced, be pale, or look cyanosed.   
Altered Mental Status
Dextrostix is a good screening test for all patients, since hypoglycemia is readily correctable.
ECG should be done for all comatose patients.

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